Keeper of the Forge, pt. 2

I’ll be on the road for most of the day tomorrow, so this week’s update goes up a little early: Last time, we took a look at my attempts at converting a suitable model for Huntmaster Deracin, the 4th assault company’s Warpsmith. With the rather...

Keeper of the Forge, pt. 1

“Aye, Nove Shendak cost me half of my body. But in the end, those injuries were what let me keep all of my wits, and for that I will always remember that blasted hellscape with a certain …fondness.” Huntmaster Deracin   If you’ve been following this blog...

100,000 views, and still the hunt continues…

Today marks a pretty special occasion for me, because my blog has managed to garner its first 100,000 views. Which is rather amazing, seeing how I basically kicked off this small endeavour about one and a half years ago to show you my own, meagre hobby efforts. Back...

Apostle of War, pt. 2

Some time ago, I showed you my WIP model for my World Eaters’ counts as Dark Apostle. Now since I wanted to enter the finished model into cormadepanda’s modelling/painting contest over at Dakka, I had a real incentive of actually painting up this guy...

Apostle of War

Not only am I a great fan of building characters for my World Eaters army (as evidenced by many, many posts on this blog), I also enjoy having models to represent must – if not all – of the possible selections from the Codex. What’s more, I am...