by Ian 'Hendybadger' Henderson | Nov 14, 2014
Over the next few days we are going to take a closer look at the October releases from Knight Models.First up are two new ladies for the Batman Miniatures Game. Batgirl and Huntress.These two models come in the standard Knight Models packaging. Each is in a...
by Ian 'Hendybadger' Henderson | Nov 8, 2014
Our good friends at Knight Models have sent another great preview.This time it's one for all of you Green Arrow and Arrow show fans.(Wow, did you see the end of this weeks episode???)SPEEDY a.k.a Roy Harper.Some of you may even know him as Arsenal or the Red...
by Ian 'Hendybadger' Henderson | Oct 16, 2014
Knight Models have just posted up the new 35mm Marvel and DC releases. And they are STUNNING!First up is the one mini I have been waiting for. Not only since I found out about the Marvel range, but for years. DEADPOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!Wade Wislon (not Slade, sore...
by Ian 'Hendybadger' Henderson | Oct 10, 2014
The awesome guys over at Knight Models have just sent us a fantastic preview for the Batman Miniature Game.Helena Bertinelli a.k.a The Huntress!A member of the 'Bat Family' and Birds of Prey in the comics and a student turned bad if you are a fan of Arrow. They...