State of the Hunt, Week 32/2019: Chaotic exploration

Hey everyone, Real Life (TM) has been a veritable rollercoaster lately, so I haven’t been as productive on the hobby front as I would have liked. If anything, however, that’s actually a plus because it frees up some space to share a couple of chaotic...

Half the man he used to be…

Back to the 41st millennium and the adventures of Khorne’s Eternal Hunt this week, as I get to cross another long neglected model off my list. I am referring to this gentleman here: If you should think the model looks familiar, there are two reasons for that: On...

Best Chaos Space Marine Units by FOC – A Hit List

I wrote a hit-list of this kind for Dark Angels a short while back. Yesterday’s Heldrake post had me pouring over the 6th Edition Chaos Space Marines codex again. So I wanted to give the Traitor Marines a list of this sort too, especially as I never got around...