Life in Wreck-Age

The last couple of months I haven't touched much of my 40K stuff. Instead I've been totally immersed in helping out Hyacinth Games with getting a number of projects done, including trying to hash out and finalize the contents of their upcoming soft cover rule book,...

Being Incorporated Into Wreck-Age Art

I've been quietly working on terrain for the 40K Warzone Tournament at Adepticon and haven't been blogging as much as I would like, but don't worry - its coming along. That's not what I've come to discuss today, however. Over the weekend I got myself wrapped up...

Wreck-Age Glamour Shots,

These photos were all taken this afternoon by Anton Zaleski, I think they came out fantastic so I'm going to post all of them even though the cart technically isn't done yet. The first two shots are of the work in progress Boar Cart and the second 3 shots are of the...

Wreck-Age: Weathered Storage Container and Boar Cart.

Three weeks since my last blog post? I'm slipping. Its not that I haven't been immersed in all manner of hobby activity, but I just haven't had time to blog about it.Though a lot of that time was spent working on Adepticon tables, I've also been involved in Wreck-Age...