WIP Deathwatch Overkill

This one is a little more time consuming but pack a good amount of variety which I enjoy. The following pictures were taken over the last couple weeks. Fifty minis to crack into at once.For the genestealer side I wanted to try something different and spent a...

40k Genestealer Cult – Doting Throng Acolytes painted!

Down with the plague today (a blessing from Grandfather Nurgle no doubt), but managed to get the Acolytes for the Doting Throng completed and sealed, taking advantage of the brief break in the cold weather. Twenty-three more models down, meaning I've now (albeit...

40k Genestealer Cult – Doting Throng Acolytes painted!

Down with the plague today (a blessing from Grandfather Nurgle no doubt), but managed to get the Acolytes for the Doting Throng completed and sealed, taking advantage of the brief break in the cold weather. Twenty-three more models down, meaning I've now (albeit...