by Siph_Horridus | Oct 12, 2016
Hobby Butterfly strikes again! I still have my copy of Space Hulk (2nd Edn circa 1996) inside the box I have the Genestealer and Deathwing (circa 1990) expansions too, extra rules, tiles and more importantly Miniatures. In this delightful plunge into the closet of...
by KrautScientist | Mar 29, 2016
So here we are, at long last, with my look at Deathwatch: Overkill. Sorry for being so awfully late to this particular party, but I really had to force myself to sit down and create a suitably long writeup, especially given the huge amount of conversion potential...
by CJ Kilbride | Mar 13, 2016
Just a quick update on these models, I'm nailing down exactly what I want to do with the rest of the brood here.
by CJ Kilbride | Mar 10, 2016
Nothing major but I got my first seven hybrids cleaned up and assembled.More xenos scum to follow sooner or later... I'm considering picking up Space Hulk for the Purestrains.Cheers,CJ