Painting Progress

Ah, the lean mean grey machinesSo after a dogs age... that Rogue Psyker Coven is finished.  Ok, 99.99% finished, I still need to put some static grass on the bases.  All the painting is finished though!  All I have now is the picture I cobbled together...

Real quick Dreadclaw update… come fly with me…

Yesterday ended up being a really good day for hobby time as I was able to pretty much finish the Dreadclaw minus some bling.As you can see there's a lot more plasticard from last time.  Basically it was really simple to trim a piece down to fit where the pods...

IA:13 continues to inspire

Image from Forgeworld Well, what about those Dreadclaws?!  Seriously, an assault craft that is a dedicated transport for CSM or Chosen?  Sign.  Me.  Up.  This little baby gives me some flexibility on the battlefield while not competing...