by Boss Bluddtoof | Jul 14, 2014
Hi AllTime for another update on my progress with my Imperial Knight; I've finished the base and legs now apart from the final weathering which I'll be doing all in one go once the models complete so as to ensure I get a coherent and consistent finish.Here's pics of...
by Boss Bluddtoof | Jul 3, 2014
Hi AllA quick update on my progress with my Imperial Knight Freeblade. I've made quite good progress this week and the legs and base are almost complete.Here's a few pics....As you can see the base is now done, the rocks were painted in a dark grey base and washed...
by extremedoc1 | Feb 2, 2014
Good Evening All,Worcester War 2 is next Saturday and myself and Inner Mech have been very busy with the terrain. For my part I'm now all finished. The rest of this post will be simply a few photos of the new scenery pieces put together for WW2:This is...