Imperial Knight Freeblade, Work in Progress.

Imperial Knight Freeblade, Work in Progress.

Hi AllTime for another update on my progress with my Imperial Knight; I've finished the base and legs now apart from the final weathering which I'll be doing all in one go once the models complete so as to ensure I get a coherent and consistent finish.Here's pics of...
Imperial Knight Freeblade Work In Progress

Imperial Knight Freeblade Work In Progress

Hi AllA quick update on my progress with my Imperial Knight Freeblade. I've made quite good progress this week and the legs and base are almost complete.Here's a few pics....As you can see the base is now done, the rocks were painted in a dark grey base and washed...
Worcester War 2 – The Scenery

Worcester War 2 – The Scenery

Good Evening All,Worcester War 2 is next Saturday and myself and Inner Mech have been very busy with the terrain.  For my part I'm now all finished.  The rest of this post will be simply a few photos of the new scenery pieces put together for WW2:This is...