State of the Hunt, Week 18/2023: Baby Steps…

Just a small-ish update for today, as I keep taking the smallest, most absurd baby steps on my way of slooowly inching closer back to painting and something resembling actually finished models — and holy heck, I had certainly forgotten how difficult this can be!...

Plastic for the Plastic Throne! Pt. 4

The kitbashing train has no brakes! In all fairness, though: I still had that World Eaters Terminator squad to complete, so… While the first three Terminators, along with the “salvaged” model wielding twin lightning claws, appeared in the previous...

Plastic for the Plastic Throne! Pt. 2

Another round of World Eaters conversions for today, although I’ll be focusing on the actual new berzerker kit a bit more. At the same time, I also have some converted characters to round out the post. We’ll be getting to that in a minute! For the sake of...

WIP: Tzeentch Raptors (#6-10) and Mutilator

The big-trakk rocked as two shots hit the track units, wheels and springs flying from the hull as the taught suspension units melted and broke from the tank. GitzBlasta opened the hatch, shoota in hand. He looked left and right, seeing a pair of oomie jump...