Series Reveal: New Identity Crisis Super Hero Universe

Series Reveal: IDC versus IDCUBecause there’s too much superheroic adventure for just one series!The IDENTITY CRISIS series centers on events and characters surrounding the Phenomenal Five, past, present, and future.  This will consist of at least the...

KICKSTARTER UPDATE: A Box of Books has Arrived!

The box full of paperbacks has arrived!  And they look MARVELOUS!  The matte covers are REALLY nice.  Classy, definitely classy.The box only took ten days after printing to reach Japan, which is pretty amazing.Hopefully in the next week or two I'll have...

Superhero Dentistry

Writing this new story is like pulling teeth!  Barely getting anything out.  Actually, I've been managing about 800 words each session (x3 so far), which isn't terrible but not my standard (usually at least 1000), and it's been a struggle each time....