Why The Timing of Warzone Charadon is a Good Thing

There’s some drama around the release of Warzone Charadon (though, in this era of “We can’t play games we can only talk about them”, “There’s some drama” is a pretty reliable statement. And the core of the argument is a valid...

Why The Timing of Warzone Charadon is a Good Thing

There’s some drama around the release of Warzone Charadon (though, in this era of “We can’t play games we can only talk about them”, “There’s some drama” is a pretty reliable statement. And the core of the argument is a valid...

3D Printing and the Hobby: A Skeptical Enthusiasts Take

I’ve been contemplating this for awhile, writing little bits of it in my head for…probably five or six months now, but with the combination of the Tabletop Inquirer posting something about it today, and some 3D printing related controversies coming up in...

Why I Don’t Want 9th Edition Heresy

You ever have something that you could have sworn you wrote down at some point, and then you go back and try to find it and it’s just…not there? That’s me with this article. I think through a variety of Twitter posts, Facebook responses, etc....