Ron Swanson Game Design: Adeptus Titanicus Edition

A lot of people have very fond memories of Epic. For some it was their gateway game into the wider hobby. For others, it had a scale and majesty that made more sense to them, especially in the smaller-scale days of editions past. And for some, it was actually being...

A Solidly Reasonable FAQ

So, the new FAQ is out and… …well it’s fine. Genuinely fine. The studio team has gotten good at putting in their justification for things, and for the most part, these are reasonable, and well though out responses. We’ll touch on each in turn,...

How Would NASA Balance 40K?

Awhile back, while I was out of the country doing my level best not to get cholera, Val Heffelfinger, whose name crops up on a number of 40K Facebook groups and the like posed a question to me (somewhat paraphrased): With regards to points and game balance, how do you...

Forge World, the Horus Heresy, and Product Roadmaps

A couple days ago, I lost my damned mind. Forge World, as it is wont to do, discontinued some models. This always makes me lose my mind a little bit, because I’m a resin junkie, and few are the models Forge World makes that I can’t picture myself using someday. But...