Remember when I told you all I was awesome?

Well Awesomeness confirmed!!!!Reece over at Frontline Gaming gave called me out as one of the "Really Good Players" that lost to Liz as she won the whole damn thing on their podcast. It is awesome to be mentioned a long with Allan, and Allan (Blackmoor)Here...

Shameless self promotion!

Hey guys, I just started a beer/brewing blog over at Take a look if you get a chance! I will be talking about places in and out of LA to get a beer, my brewing adventures, beer news, and what kind of beers I like!

Return to Magic-a?

It's been a whiiiiiiiillllleeee... Is what the guy from Staind would say if he read that title. You know, Staind? They're that band that did that one song??? Fine, if you were born after 1990, you prolly don't who that is. But you prolly know what Magic: the Gathering...