by Vomkrieg | Jun 27, 2015
Fleet attack on deep space training stationAfter rolling a lot of sucesses on his planning roll, this was going to be a short and swift action. The empire has been well and truly caught with it's pants down, as the end of round two photo below...
by Nathan Bean | May 30, 2015
Luke Fergusson of the Hobby Room got in touch recently asking if we’d be interested in a hosting a painting tutorial he had put together for the new Star Wars: Imperial Assault game from Fantasy Flight. I have been following The Hobby Room’s progress on...
by Marcus the Blackheart | Apr 24, 2015
Imperial Assault comes with standard Fantasy Flight excellent components, but how does it play? First let us define what this game is. It is a tactical combat board game with two modes of play: Skirmish and Campaign.Game mechanics wise, it is straightforward and...
by Marcus the Blackheart | Apr 21, 2015
When Fantasy Flight Games released Star Wars: Imperial Assault last December I was a little sceptical. Yes, I love X-Wing, but could they really pull off two good Star Wars miniature games? I was especially dubious when I heard it was based on FFG's fantasy...
by Vomkrieg | Feb 9, 2015
Well, that's another boardgame knocked off in my unending quest to paint all my games...... it's an unending quest because if, by some miracle, i paint all my games, no doubt I will just buy some more. Imperial Assault still hasn't hit the table yet, but I can't...