Striped shiny pants

Striped shiny pants

Time again for some more Celt conversions!  They really did make fantastic conscripts, especially in the context of the Highland Guard.It did not take many bits at all to turn them into exactly what I needed.In addition, there was plenty of 'canvas' to paint the...
A hell of a tank…

A hell of a tank…

At long last, I have painted that conversion bit for the Secret Weapon RAV 6 x 6 which you saw in earlier posts.In this case, it would be the equivalent of a Hellhound, Devil Dog, etc.If you recall, all I had to do was razor saw the rear section from the turret and...
The original conscripts

The original conscripts

I snapped a few series of pictures of the conversions that I used as conscripts for the Adepticon army.  I can't remember if these are from Wargames Factory or Warord Games... but the original minis were the Ancient Celts.By adding a few spare Imperial Guard bits...
Another Squad, another Tartan

Another Squad, another Tartan

I had some fun painting this squad, another unit from Victoria's Highland Guard.There was a helping hand from Secret Weapon, with one of their very fine set of bases from their sci-fi themes.  I also added some of the shell casings, which I really love!  You...
Seeing double

Seeing double

There are a host of different weapon options that come with the RAV 6 x 6.  I have a few of them here, starting with the Hydra option as well as the classic multilaser Chimera.There is also a heavy flamer option (which you will see later) as well as the Plasma...