Imperial Knight Titan Live on Etsy!

 Now available for sale on Etsy!The Imperial Knight Titan pictured above is now available for purchase on Etsy. Take a peek at the shop. Other items available include expansion brackets for your Detolf display cabinet and various terrain pieces for your games of...

Iron Hands Knight Titan Horus Heresy Commission

An Imperial Knight is a small combat walker that is a one-man version of a Titan. However, a Knight is smaller and less capable in combat than even the smallest class of true Titan utilised by the Titan Legions, the Warhound-class...

ValleyCon 2016

I spent this weekend in  Southern California for this year's ValleyCon. This model contest was organized by the Pasadena Modeler's Club in cooperation with the Peterson Automotive Museum. My sister-in-law did a great deal of the work putting this event together,...

Iron Knights Acheron Commission

There was a Legend on Ancient Medusa, of a coterie of warriors bid to protect the Vanadium Vault. Who bound them to this task and what they protect is subject to dark legend. These are cold, inert monsters from a lost age tasked never to awaken until the apocalypse of...

Scorpfest 2016

On Saturday January 16th I competed in the IMPS Sonoran Desert Model Builders 'Scorpfest' model competition. I entered five models in all, three in the Real Space/Sci-Fi category and two in the Figure category. I'm pleased to say that I did quite well. Each model that...