My ’90s Space Marine Challenge

Here is my entry in the #90smarinechallenge. If you read my post announcing my intent to participate, you night know that I was not sure how to paint my model.  After hearing everyone who offered an opinion, it was clear that the masses wanted me to paint an...

’90s Space Marine Challenge

 I already have one challenge to meet in July,, but here's something I just can't resist jumping on the bandwagon for: #90spacemarinechallenge. This challenge was thrown out to all by Darren Lathem on Instagram. Thebob brought it to my attention, well, I just...

Fixing a Rogue Trader era Dreadnought. (Part 1)

 Recently while perusing YouTube I came across this great video by Squidmar. In this video they take four miniatures bought from eBay that, although well painted, aren't quite up to the standard they want them to be, and they demonstrate how to improve or 'fix'...

Anachronistic 40K: Jump Packs

Today we're looking at the design evolution of the Space Marine Jump Pack and to a degree, their backpacks. We're not looking at the in-universe "lore" explanation as I have long ago recognized the fluidic nature of 40K lore and besides others have already done a...

Imperial Space Marine 001

A little over a year ago I ventured out to secure my little plastic piece of 40k history. Huzzah!Well I finally got him put together this past weekend.This, like all the other one sprue GW models I've seen, went together with ease.For the base I went with some resin...