Citadel Tool Set Price Comparison

Citadel Tool Set Price Comparison

I've seen the usual grumblings over Game's Workshops fancy limited edition tool set they're releasing. It's priced at $150 which, at first glance, seems a bit steep. It's a 10 piece set (9 tools and the bag) with nearly everything you'd need to launch yourself into...

Blu-Stuff is the Tru-Stuff

A few months back, in preparation for my Heresy Space Wolves project, I bought a bit of Blu Stuff to help me cast a few items I wanted to work on for the army. I hadn't gotten to the point where I wanted to cast anything just yet, until now.One of my Chanukah gifts...

In My Hobby Box: Nail Polish Remover

Nail polish remover came up recently in my twitter feed, and it got me thinking about all the non-hobby items that get used for hobby related reasons. Probably the most helpful of these non0hobby items is nail polish remover. That's because nail polish remover...