Infinity: Operation Icestorm – A Review

If I had to give an excuse, if ever one were needed, as to why I hadn’t looked at one of the major game systems until now I would have to say…because I just didn’t care. Now before I get flamed back to the Stone Age bear with me and hear me out:...

I made myself an Infinity backlog!

Hi This isn't supposed to happen in a skirmish game, but a combination of Corvus Belli releasing awesome models and the Morats lacking a few tricks in 2nd ed I have bought a lot of models. I want these clear for my long over due infinity board, and the release of...

Im painting like I have never painted before!

Hi Its true I'm properly knocking stuff out at the moment. Taking the odd shortcut, but am overall pleased with the end result that (imo) gives a good gaming standard that I'm pleased to look at, but also happy to use in a game without pooing my pants every time I...