INQ28: Unfinished business, pt. 2

Hey everyone, time for another update: I still have to spent way too much time on hospital visits, but I nevertheless thank you guys for all the well-wishes! It really means a lot! If nothing else, I have managed to be a bit more productive in hobby terms, mostly...

INQ28: The Office – grimdark edition

So there I was, carefully warning you all that I might have to dial back my output a bit, and yet I have two new models to share with you today — strange, isn’t it? The truth is that finishing my Ordo Scriptorum Inquisitor really led to yet another surge...

INQ28: Nobody expects the Velsian Inquisition

Hey everyone, time for another update at long last: I realise that, technically speaking, I am still short one final instalment of the 2017 Eternal Hunt Awards, but it’s already late February, and the prospect of still needing to finish that writeup has felt...