Iron Hands Legion Breacher 5/5

The final member of the breacher squad is this un-helmeted battle brother. The bit that I am most proud of here was the experimental stubble on both the top of the head and beard. I've not used this particular formulation before, so this was in many ways a new trial...

Iron Hands Legion Breacher 4/5

This brother features a simple skull on his shield, potentially marking him out as being part of the overall command structure for a given encounter. What I am pleased with about this paint scheme is the eye lenses and red scope on the upper part of the shield...

Iron Hands Legion Breacher 3/5

The third member of the Breacher squad is this battle brother, caught in mid-stride looking ahead of him and getting in to a new position.Fundamentally, this marine is not anything special, although I have added a number of details such as pouches around the waist, a...

Iron Hands Legion Breacher 2/5

The second member of the breacher squad is this marine, featuring a standard load-out with a bolt gun and bolt pistol alongside the requisite shield, and various grenades and pouches for his armaments. What makes the painting of this marine a bit different is the...

Iron Hands Legion Breacher 1/5

Whilst I await delivery of Book 9: Crusade, I've finished up my painting and gluing together of the first of my Shattered Legions Breacher squad. This is an Iron Hands marine in full Breacher armour, and (unusually) featuring a flamer. I will be the first to admit...