How to Paint a Simple Marble Effect for Miniatures in 4 Steps

So, I decided I wanted to paint marble effect on the bases of my Steelheart's Champions warband for Shadespire. I took to Twitter, asked fellow painters for tutorials and resources, and I was not disappointed. I was given a ton of great stuff to look at. Ultimately...

How to Make Icicles for Miniatures Easily

I do a snow theme for the basing of my Chaos Space Marines. It can be difficult at times to make the basing interesting. Too much snow and you've got a white base. Too little snow and it can look odd and unrealistic. Being able to add in other little snowy details,...

Blood Bowl Human Team WIP: Basing and Conversions

On Wednesday I got to play my first Blood Bowl game with the new edition. It was a ton of fun. I played my Humans, and I came away with a 2-0 victory over Chaos. The Chaos team did put 5 of my players off the pitch though. It was a warm-up game, not a league one...

Basing the Chaos Knight Titan – Work in Progress

One thing I had struggled with for a while was how to base my Chaos Knight Titan. I didn’t want to do anything overly elaborate, but I also wanted more than my normal process of gluing down sand and adding snow. Then it struck me, my answer was right here on...

Flesh Hounds of Khorne: Showcase

Last week I rebased my Flesh Hounds from bike bases to 50mm bases and documented the process. I’ve since managed to get them sealed and... The post Flesh Hounds of Khorne: Showcase appeared first on Creative Twilight.