Keeper of Secrets Painting Showcase

Lately I've been doing some work on old models; mostly rebasing them. Well, the Keeper of Secrets has been on my rebasing list for years - literally. With 8th edition having arrived, coupled with my desire to try him/her out, and the fact I had to repair an arm, the...

Painting Showcase: Ghostwrath (Daemon Prince)

As I continue to rebase some of my Chaos Space Marines, I will continue to get some pictures of them if they never had proper shots done. Ghostwrath is another such model. I painted Ghostwrath 4-5 years ago. It's not my best work, but I feel like it has held up well...

Chaos Spawn Painting Showcase – The Unbound

A few months ago I redid the basing on my Chaos Spawn unit. The unit was a collection of different snow basing techniques that I had tried out over the years. I thought it was time to unify the unit. I figured since the unit was finally unified, why not get some shots...

Conversions – 30K Techmarine & 40K Thundergryph Cavalry Lord

Duoboros – Alpha Legion Techmarine Part of my Alpha legion 30k army project (having 1 or more of each unit entry that appeals to me) I have been working on a techmarine/forgelord model. The base model is a space marine lord executioner. The axe head is being exchanged...