Blood Bowl Ogre Conversion & Sculpting Showcase

I've been itching to play Ogres in Blood Bowl for quite a while. Basically, since 2016 when the game was re released. However, there's no team for Ogres and we only have 2 Ogre models to date from Games Workshop, well one is Forge World. So, that leaves doing...

My First Sculpted Miniature – Blood Bowl Necromantic Coach

Long story short, for those who've heard it, is I got a miniature for my Undead and Necromantic teams to use as a coach. The model's quality was lacking, so I decided I'd give sculpting a miniature a shot. It's something I always wanted to try. Using the miniature...

How to Sculpt Chains Easily in 2 Simple Steps (Tutorial)

This is something I had learned years ago when I first got into Warhammer 40K, how to sculpt chains. I honestly don't recall where I found the tutorial. Regardless, I claim no credit on this technique for sculpting chains I'm about to show you. Anyway, this is a very...

Sylvaneth Wood Elf Wild Riders of Kurnous Conversion & Sculpting

First, some fluff. As the personal guard of Orion, Wild Riders of Kurnous are aggressive and impulsive cavalry and much tougher than Glade Riders. They have transcended the status of elf and, through Orion have become akin to the forest spirits. They, like all forest...

Chaos Possessed – Paint in Progress #1

I built these Possessed a few years ago. I had a list idea at the time for a big local tournament with them, so I put these together. Pictured below are 4 of the 7 I built, the other 3 haven't got paint on them yet. These were hobbled together with assorted bits and...