by Zweischneid | Apr 2, 2014
DreamForge Games today presented some of the (as far as I know) first photos of their much-anticipated Keilerkopf APC. Obviously, DreamForge Games have made a huge splash with their Leviathan Crusader Titans. The APC has been eagerly awaited by fans since .. well .....
by Zweischneid | Mar 30, 2014
Forge World Open Day is up and running. A few attendants are sending pictures, among them the first shots of Forge World’s Imperial Knight Lancer and a new Tyranid Monster. Credit for these pictures goes to, who are sharing stuff via their Facebook...
by Zweischneid | Mar 29, 2014
White Dwarf Weekly Issue 9 arrives… obviously dedicated front-to-finish to the new Militarum Tempestus release. However, there’s also a short Apoc-Battle Report and a surprisingly thought-provoking column by Jervis Johnson. Not the worst White Dwarf Weekly...
by Zweischneid | Mar 28, 2014
All right Ladies and Gentlemen. Games Workshop put up the pre-orders for the Astra Militarum … well, the Militarum Tempestus for the moment. You can now enjoy the 360° of the Taurox, the Tempestus Scions and other goodies in the GW-webstore, if you like. There...
by Zweischneid | Mar 28, 2014
Here were are. Games Workshop just revealed the cover of this week’s White Dwarf Weekly, with the new Astra Militarum on the cover (as well as a Tau vs. Necron Battle Report?). White Dwarf is out tomorrow and available in Games Workshop stores, independent...