by Zweischneid | Mar 27, 2014
I’ve been complaining that Forge World seems to be doing nothing but Horus Heresy. I suppose I was wrong. Today, Forge World Warhammer Forge previewed the Lizardmen Dread Saurian! The Dread Saurian Thoughts? That’s a beastly lizard! Let me know what you...
by Zweischneid | Mar 27, 2014
A short while ago, a mysterious video appeared on the internet, promising a bold mix of miniature gaming, video gaming and roleplaying in a game called Prodigy. Since then, things moved forward at a rapid pace. Previews are everywhere, and the Prodigy...
by Zweischneid | Mar 26, 2014
Forge World is warming up for their upcoming Forge World open day. Unsurprisingly, the Horus Heresy dominates all. Here are the miniatures and books previewed for the event! #1 – The Isstvan Campaign Collectors Edition The Isstvan Campaign Collector’s...
by Zweischneid | Mar 26, 2014
Keeping up with all the Warhammer and Warhammer 40K-related video games coming out is almost as hard as keeping on top of the many Codexes and supplements. Still, this one could be a lot of fun. Focus Home Interactive posted a few screenshots of their upcoming...
by Zweischneid | Mar 25, 2014
Games Workshop has not had much loving for Social Media for a while. A little over a year ago, they shut down their “main” Facebook page, though pages for individual Games Workshop stores, as well as sub-groups such as Black Library or Forge World...