by Zweischneid | Jan 17, 2014
Forge World is back with a Friday release for the Horus Heresy: the Achilles-Alpha Pattern Land Raider. They did an Achilles Land Raider before, which – then – was quite contentious, given that it was impervious to meltaweapons and had a few out in-build...
by Zweischneid | Jan 16, 2014
Today – January 16th, 2014 – was a black day in Nottingham. Games Workshop released their half-year financial report, listing their performance as a business for the six months leading up to December 1st, 2013. Across the world, sales, revenues and profits have...
by Zweischneid | Jan 15, 2014
There was a time when, every time a new Codex was released, I first looking up the new Flyers that almost inevitably came with each new Warhammer 40K release. For the most part (Dark Angels, Tau Empire, etc….), they were rather lackluster entries in their...
by Zweischneid | Jan 14, 2014
Lo and behold! Games Workshop is apparently toying with the idea of running an organised (more or less?) official Warhammer 40K campaign, at least Games Workshop United States is. Named the Conquest of Kaiserslautern IV, the campaign is rumoured by the blog...
by Zweischneid | Jan 14, 2014
3D Printing is rapidly becoming a far more readily available and affordable technology. For a while now, speculations and forecasts have been going around on how 3D Printing with change the tabletop wargaming world. The implications seem obvious, but so far, nobody...