Escalation Poll: Will the new Supplements Change Your 40K?

It has been a curious experience browsing Warhammer 40K forums and blogs this weekend. Why? Because GW released two Warhammer 40K supplements – Escalation and Stronghold Assault – that add super-heavies and fortifications to Warhammer 40K respectively. In...

Eldar Ghost Warriors – Is it any Good?

I have to admit, there is a certain excitement to Games Workshop’s digital advent calendar, simply because these releases do indeed shake up the game (if you use them), at least the formations and data-slates do (though the motive clearly is to push the...

Twelve Elements of War Kickstarter Funded in Five Days!

Just over a month ago, I had the pleasure to publish a guest article from Down Under. Sword and Board Games shared some of their insights into how to design a miniatures game – and showed previewed of their amazing 3D sculpts. This month, the Twelve Elements of...

Games Workshop’s New Warhammer 40K Releases

Today sees the massive launch of new Games Workshop … Hobbit Products!!! Really. It’s true. That said, talk of the town is still the grab-bag of products Games Workshop is putting out for Warhammer 40K (and the priorities are pretty clear from the...

Dataslate – Adeptus Astartes Storm Wing

As expected, Games Workshop’s Advent Calender rolls on. Today, Day 5, is another interesting (and potentially game-changing) release as they release another Dataslate to complement one of their Christmas Bundle Boxes: The Adeptus Astartes Storm Wing. #1 –...