The Comeback-Kickstarter – Golem Arcana Funds!

The Kickstarter for Golem Arcana – The Digitally Enhanced Miniatures Board Game – funds for half a million US$, at more or less the last minute! The game – Golem Arcana – isn’t truly my cup of tea (from what I see), but the campaign for...

Review – Ravage Gaming Magazine #9

By good fortune, I got my hands on another copy of the Ravage Miniatures Gaming Magazine: Issue #9, after Ravage #5 I read in January and again in a printed version, and not for the iPad. Time for a review! This issue is titled August-September 2013, so it isn’t...

Adepta Sororitas – GW Is Doing Previews Again!

Games Workshop Digital Editions is fast becoming my favourite part of the company. No, I still don’t have an iPad (or Android-something), but it seems they’ve assembled a team there that’s allowed to use previews to build anticipation for upcoming...

MiniWarGaming Responds to Beasts of War

There’s a pretty cool video out by Matthew from with his take on the Beasts of War-issue (and the broader context). I admit I may be late to the “news”. I still haven’t figured out how I’d be able to follow...