Why Is Miniature Wargaming So Popular in the UK?

I did not always live in the United Kingdom. When I first moved house to the island, I couldn’t help noticing that I had moved into something of a wargaming paradise. Hobby stores, wargame clubs, conventions, and more were all suddenly in spitting distance of my...

Ferrus Manus – Primarch of the Iron Hands

Just in time for Games Day UK 2013, Forge World reveals their third Primarch miniature for their line of Horus Heresy products: Ferrus Manus, Primarch of the Iron Hands Space Marines Legions. “The Gorgon” also is the first loyalist Primarch Forge World...

Alessio Cavatore’s Loka Is Now Available For Pre-Order

A semi-news announcement today: Alessio Cavatore’s Loka – the Fantasy (or Elemental… tag-lines for this one keep changing) Chess game – is now available for pre-orders. #1 – What Is Loka? Earlier this year, I had the rare opportunity to...

Do You Still Field Space Marine Terminators?

Is there still a role for Terminators in a 6th Edition Space Marines army? Do you still field them with the new Warhammer 40K 6th Edition Space Marines Codex? If yes, how? #1 – Space Marines Terminators in 6th Edition It is one of the curiosities of Warhammer...

How to Equip Space Marines Centurion Devastators?

Along with the new Space Marines Anti-Aircraft tanks, the only other truly new unit are the Centurions, both as Centurion Assault Squad and Centurion Devastator Squad. Centurions didn’t get much love from the community when the first pictures hit, but it seems...