by Zweischneid | Aug 31, 2013
It appears that the new Space Marines Codex departs from established patterns in a few ways. For a start, the Codex (in paper) has a lot more pages, will cost 5 quid more than previous Codex books for 6th Edition 40K, and comes with a record number of 7 Limited...
by Zweischneid | Aug 31, 2013
As of today, the new 6th Edition Warhammer 40K Space Marines are available for pre-order. Without a doubt, it’s been one of the most thoroughly leaked releases from Games Workshop of the last few years. Even rules from the Space Marine Codex abound on the...
by Zweischneid | Aug 30, 2013
It has been almost exactly one year since Forge World’s first Horus Heresy campaign book – Horus Heresy: Betrayal – was presented shortly before the UK Games Day 2012. Now, in time for Games Day 2013, Forge World unveils their second Heresy book...