Starting A Tau Army: A 500 Pts. Battleforce Starter List

The question came up in the comments to my Tau Codex review, and it is clearly a key question for anyone setting out into Warhammer 40K hobby: How do I get started building my army? I am going to try giving a more thorough answer – for the 6th Edition Tau...

Space Marine Codex Covers Leaked!

Two weeks ago we’ve seen an image that many thought was the cover of the Black Templars Limited Edition Space Marines Codex. If that is the case, it looks nothing like the other covers, it would seem. A wave of pictures has arrived that show off the (presumed)...

Space Marines Special Characters in 40K 6th Edition

This is in many ways part 2 of today’s (yesterday’s?) wave of Warhammer 40K Space Marines rumours. The first part covered Space Marines Warlord Traits and Chapter Tactics. This post, likewise made possible by Talk Wargaming, covers the rumours on the Space...

Space Marine Warlord Traits, Chapter Tactics & More

If you’ve followed the continuous flow of rumours coming out on the upcoming 6th Edition Space Marines Codex, you’ll possibly know by know that much of it is coming from 40KRadio, who seem to have some form of early copy / play test copy of the Codex. If...

GW’s New Warhammer 40K Mini-Rulebook Released

Games Workshop released their new Gamer’s Edition “mini-rulebook” for Warhammer 40K. A rather unexpectedly subdued release. No variant covers. No limited editions. Warhammer 40K Gamer’s Edition The Warhammer 40,000: The Rules has been...