by Zweischneid | Aug 16, 2013
Forge World Friday! Today Forge World has a new Space Marines tank roll onto the battlefields of the Horus Heresy: The Legion Sicaran Battle Tank, previously seen on the US Games Day in Memphis. The guys over at Forge World painted it up in all kinds of Space Marine...
by Zweischneid | Aug 16, 2013
If you’re a (more or less) regular reader of Pins of War, you’ll know that I’m an avid player of Mantic Games’ DreadBall. The game, however, has gone through somewhat of a roller-coaster. Season 1 – the original DreadBall – was a...
by Zweischneid | Aug 15, 2013
I received a little question on starting a Warhammer 40K Tau army via email this weekend. I’ll try to help. Maybe you can too! Just got the tau 6th edition codex, I want to build an easy 500 pt. army that can back some punch. Trying to use the riptide,...
by Zweischneid | Aug 14, 2013
Carnevale is a miniature game set in Venice at the eve of the 18th Century, albeit a Venice beset by cthulhu-esque horrors and other supernatural monstrosities. The game is made by Vesper-On Games, a Barcelona-based miniatures company. Carnevale made a huge splash in...
by Zweischneid | Aug 13, 2013
On thing I noticed over the past weekend, as image by image the first views of the new Space Marines came in, was people wondering who and for what reason would drip-feed a leak like this? If somebody had an early White Dwarf, surely they’d either post nothing...