by Zweischneid | Jun 28, 2013
Forge World’s Imperial Armour Volume Twelve: The Fall of Orpheus pitches, among other things, the Minotaurs Space Marines Chapter against Necrons. I haven’t read the book, but apparently it includes a named Contemptor from the Minotaurs Chapter: Hecaton...
by Zweischneid | Jun 28, 2013
The Iyanden Codex supplement is not easy to review. On one hand, it was far better than I feared. The background section is simply brilliant, and the tie-in missions designed to bring this background to the table-top are a stroke of genius. It’s a template...
by Zweischneid | Jun 27, 2013
Privateer Press is planning a Kickstarter. Easily the biggest miniature company to launch a crowd-funding campaign yet. Privateer will not Kickstarter new miniatures or a new miniature game. Privateer Press is kickstarting “Warmachine Tactics”, a video...
by Zweischneid | Jun 26, 2013
It has been a while since I wrote a post of this kind. To an extend, I suffered some Kickstarter / Crowd-funding burn-out, even though I immensely enjoy the crowd-funding loot I did (so far) receive, including the Massive Voodoo Figure Art book and, of course,...
by Zweischneid | Jun 25, 2013
Games Workshop’s revised Warhammer 40K Apocalypse is drawing closer. Along with the book, Games Workshop will release four new Finecast Space Marine Captains. Yet the big thing (sorry) everyone is looking for are, of course, Games Workshop’s big plastic...