Dreadtober 2018 – Part #3: The Fade Breach the Defences

Fade Leviathan dreadnought My observations of the tactics of the Fade reveal the insidious nature of their Tzeentch spawned powers. Upon attacking a location, the Fade will spend the first few engagements caring little for their own well-being as they throw themselves...

Dreadtober 2018 – Rise of a King (Part #2)

The Alien King I started by reading up on the origins of this guy before I started with his paint scheme. From what I have read from the alien comics [where his origins lie] he is supposed to be an artificial alien queen but infused with human DNA. So he is not a...

Dreadtober 2018: Part #1 – Planning

Last year I concentrated on converting and painting a nurgle leviathan dreadnought based on the redemptor dreadnought model. This year I have a few hundred models in my to do pile, so I am aiming to complete as many dreadnought sized models as possible for dreadtober....

Learn to Paint Worn Leather for Miniatures the Quick & Easy Way

Like most miniature painters, I painted leather for miniatures the same way for years and years. That technique was to just use browns, add some highlights, and wash it with more brown. However, I always saw better painters create a more realistic look to leather with...

How to Use “The Masters” Brush Cleaner and Preserver

Proper brush care is something every hobbyist should do, and for that I recommend "The Masters" Brush Cleaner and Preserver. It only takes a few seconds to do and will increase the life of your brushes substantially. Not only that, but with proper care your brushes...