Top 12 Most Common Miniature Painting Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

There's a lot to learn with miniature painting, and it's very easy to make mistakes because you don't realize you're making a mistake to begin with. With experience and practice you'll learn what the mistakes are and how to avoid them. However, today I thought I'd...

Must-Have Miniature Hobby Supplies That Every Hobbyist Needs

I've done a list like this previously for painting, so today I thought I'd cover the miniature hobby supplies that everyone needs. What this is going to cover is the stuff you need for miniature modeling, sculpting, conversions, etc. It's aimed at being a helpful...

Blood Bowl Orc Team – Orcland Raiders Painting Showcase

Hello, everyone. Cadaver here from Home Of Cadaver After what seemed (and probably was) a lifetime of hiatus this is my latest blog update. I hope there are still people out there willing to read and see what I have to show, but nevertheless, here I am writing down...

Steelheart’s Champions Shadespire Warband Painting Complete

Well, the warband that has inspired two tutorials is now complete! After those tutorials I can't think of much else to say other than here's my Steelheart's Champions for Shadespire. Steelheart's Champions Gallery Angharad Brightshield Obryn the Bold Severin...

How to Paint a Simple Marble Effect for Miniatures in 4 Steps

So, I decided I wanted to paint marble effect on the bases of my Steelheart's Champions warband for Shadespire. I took to Twitter, asked fellow painters for tutorials and resources, and I was not disappointed. I was given a ton of great stuff to look at. Ultimately...