by TJ Atwell | Aug 27, 2013
TJ here with an update on the Minotaur Daemon Prince. First, I want to acknowledge that through the magic of blogging, I am actually away and actually posted this days ago. Anyway, haha, let's take a look at this daemon prince/ greater daemon conversion.The main point...
by TJ Atwell | Aug 18, 2013
While I am back in the states and in between pre-deployment training stints, I am trying to build the coolest looking monstrous creature conversion I can with the bits from I have on hand ... luckily, I have some really awesome bits on hand. With that said, I would...
by The Pirate Viking | Dec 4, 2012
Greetings one and all. To those who have been dropping in on "Today I have mostly been..." (PVP's daily work in progress Tumblr feed) will know that I have been painting an Avatars of War Minotaur Lord for a client and hoo boy, this fellow is huge. I gotta say, I'm...
by Montyhaul | Mar 11, 2012
I've been out in the sunshine taking lots of photographs, hence three updates in one day.Some are models I've posted before, but with the pictures taken properly. Old style terminator from years ago. Fun fact; no official marine chapters have an orange paint scheme. I...