Monday Musings of a Mantic #8: Slow Growth

Like a giant monster slug slowly inching its way forward my interest in 40k has began to move.  Slow and steady is the name of the game here as I wait for my glorious return to my beloved hobby.  After being away for not only two complete editions, 6th & 7th, but two...

Model Mondays #11: Traitor Guard

Omega wolves is their rank.  Being the pack's scapegoat is the lot in life.  They bear the brunt of the pack's frustrations and harassment. Often they are the last to feed, or will go without food when it is scarce.  Though it does take the abuse of the pack, it is an...

Model Mondays #10: Blood Hunters

The are the blood of the pack, they make the heart of it beat.  Pulsating with the wraith of Khorne in their veins they prowl the Imperium for their next kill.  Armed to the teeth for all types of warfare these warriors of of the Blood God are ready to take on any and...