Special Ops Orks

Da Ladz are here! Well, the Kill Team Ladz, proppa Ladz in two weeks...I built the Ork side of the new Kill Team set, and damn, they are very cool. I made every one of the specialists and two "normal" Kommando Boyz. Lots of good bitz left over to customize even...

New Kill Team Ork Terrain

                              I got the New Kill Team box set yesterday. I'm going to read all the rules and have a few battles before I make my verdict on this new version. Today, let's...

Flying Robot Bikers

 The Tomb Blades are a unit I didn't think I would end up loving. I bought some many eons ago because you needed them in some fancy formation or some such nonsense. Of course I promptly didn't build them and they sunk to the near bottom of my Stack. Now, with new...

Low-Tech Paint Holder

 It could be the best $13 I have spent on my hobby. I wanted a way to organize and be able to see my paints easier. I looked at fancy wood racks, complicated high-tech plastic and metal set-ups and more. I stumbled across this solution. A nail polish display...

Happy Aliens Day

 Happy 4/26 everyone! To celebrate let me show you the final models from GF9's ALIENS: Another Glorious Day in The Corps game. Get Away From Her You B***h expansion comes with 5 models and a ton of game components. I will cover the game parts in another...