Post Addendums

 If only for completeness sake, here are the missing bits from two recent posts. Editing is important kids!I had also built five more Wolf Guard out of the excellent Assault Intercessors box set. Good poses all around and many weapon choices for the Sergeant. I...

Sub-Assemblies For Sanity

 I received a fancy new style Monolith for my Birthday, and I set out to get it on the field in short order. But dire warnings came from across the void, "Paint it before assembly! Or you will be forever Cursed!"Good advice. Thanks formless void wraiths!...

Space Wolf Wednesday

 Yet more Space Wolves. This does complete the army for now, and fills in a couple of operational gaps in the roster. First up is another HQ choice, but a really cool figure and pretty useful on the field as well: The Iron Priest.Built straight out of the...

Every Formation a Parade

 I got my groove on and slapped some paint on the minis from Gale Force Nine's ALIENS: Another Glorious Day in The Corps. My biggest decision was what color the Xeno Warriors were to be. Throughout the movies, they are black, blueish-black, dark green, and really...

New Year, New Wolf Priest

 It took me a while, but I figured out how I was going to make a Primaris Wolf Priest. After all the (insane) ideas I had come up with, this turned out to be fairly straightforward. I used the Chaplain from the Indomitus box set as the starting point, and...