Quick Chaos Size Comparisons

New models, new size concerns! At least for me. Now that I have my hands on, and have put together, the new Chaos figs, let's see how they size up to the old ones.That is an olde tyme metal Chaos Terminator (a bit customized) and his newer Chaos Lord replacement. Just...

Dreaded Ambull Arrives

Finally the Ambull returns to the Grimdark. A whole lot bigger than the two-part lead figure from aeons past. Deadly on the table and poisonous in real life!The new figure is easy to assemble and fun to paint, once you settle on the color scheme. That is always the...

Havoc Mystery

I don't normally cover rumors, but...some pics have bubbled up from the web that give me some questions. It looks like a new CSM Havoc squad, including the awesome marine with the rotary cannon-gatling gun that was teased last week. Cool! Also pictures of the...

Chaos Marines Line Up

I just got my hands on the new Shadowspear box set. I think it is excellent. I like the Vanguard Marines fluff and models, so it works for me. Of course the big elephant in the box is the new Chaos Marines. I hastley slapped one together and formed a line-up.Taller...

Blackstone Fortress Explorers

Let's get to the mighty heroes(?) of Blackstone Fortress! Starting with the man who puts Rogue in Rogue Trader, Janus Draik the Stylish.Always hungry for knowledge and tasty raw flesh it's Dahyak Grekh the Kroot Warrior.With a warp-blasting third eye and a thing...