Blackstone Fortress Villians

The painting for Blackstone Fortress is complete! I had a good time painting them, very nice sculpts with crisp detail. Today let's look at the Bad Guys.With the starting lineup of adversaries, the Traitor Guardsmen are numerous and belligerent. Two squads of seven...

All Over the Bench

My last two painting projects were Kill Teams. Small number of figures, small footprint on our dining/gaming table. Easy to move aside to game and/or eat.I have a good amount of Sector Mechanicus terrain, mostly kinda assembled. Some parts even had a bit of paint...

Flame of the Emperor. DreadTober Week 4

Week four of DreadTober, I've fallen very very behind on getting my dread built and painted.   So he's at least built now.  Left arm has been magnetized to swap out.Follow along here on this blog, or follow all the dreads...

Objective: MacGuffin

It was time to make some new objective markers. I have a bunch of ones on the old flat, 60mm bases. They are the typical objectives: fuel drums, ammo crates and the like. For Kill Team, I wanted some new exciting ones on smaller 40mm bases. Enter The MacGuffins!Here...

Some Help

So I know I'm supposed to be working on my dread for DreadTober but this guy has been sitting on my painting table getting work in little bursts of activity.  I've also found I've gotten to the point I need to stop trying to work on him.  You can go down a...