Better Eldar Flight Stands

How many times has this happened to you? Your Eldar Grav-Tanks are happily zipping across the table and then...Tragedy strikes! Those tiny flights stand are fine (kinda) for Vypers and other lesser races skimmers, but for a hefty Falcon-Type it is just an accident...

Unstable Eldar

Here at Atomic Warlords HQ we are giving Mrs. Blackheart's Eldar some attention. A large pile of broken Eldar has slowly built up, and it's time for fixn'.Today's quick example of a simple fix are the Swooping Hawks. The Olde Tyme poses were okay on 25mm bases, broad...

Heavy Metal Thunder

The armored fighting vehicles of my Imperial Guard are finally finished. Today we will take a quick look at the heavies.Two Baneblades and a Shadowsword make up the 1st Company. One of the Baneblades is the first Forge World model I bought way back in the mid '90s,...