Just Call Me Mr. Butterfingers

I have a problem. Well, lots of them, but we don't have time for that right meow.Recently I have become a huge fan of ink washes and texture paints. Citadel knows of my needs and started making them in larger paint pots. Which is great, except for they can be a bit...

He’Stan has a brand new ride!

So this year for my birthday I bought myself a small present for my Salamanders.   The Land Raider Achilles I've been drooling over for ages.  Spent some time the other day getting the kit together.  There are some minor issues with the build...

Genestealers New and Old

So do you know what a Genestealer Cult army really needs? Yes! Genestealers. The big question for me was, what kind of 'stealer? There are a few variants to pick from. The olde tyme Rogue Trader metal body with plastic arms, the 1st edition Space Hulk/2nd edition 40K...


Ya these guys are gonna be fun, I like the look and the stats look great.I'm not wild about the hoses that connect the arms to the back sections but overall the suits look fun!

Making bases for the Reapers

When the Soul Reapers were replaced Mr Justin at Secret Weapon Miniatures donated bases for the rebuild. To which I am very grateful for, however since that time GW has moved Marines from 25mm bases to 32mm bases; I would just purchases 32mm bases from him as...