Easy SSlyth Conversion

Ever since the dark eldar were updated, I have wanted a squad of these guys.  I love the thought of four armed, snake-men.  I like the finecast model, but monopose for a unit of over 2 doesn't work for me.  I built these from original metal tyranid...

Using upgrade kits for your Horus Heresy model (conversions)

Here's a short form review of the Ultramarines upgrade sprue which has some really awesome bits for your 30k Marines.I've included photos of two helmets, a chest plate and a gladius (short sword).I don't always bother removing the icons (e.g., Ultramarines) as you can...

House Hawkshroud Imperial Knights WIP

Working on some Imperial Knights.  I love these models.  These have been languishing in my case, half done, for a year or so.  Time to get them done.  I am loving the yellow.  So much so, that I am going to start an Imperial Fist army.  I...

Thunderwolves Complete

I finished the Thundewolves.  I love these guys.  Tried some edge highlighting on one, Thought it was too light. I magnetized the marines at the shoulder for changing weapons, but am a bit stymied on how to deal with squad markings for alternate weapons....

Knight Progress v.2

I had a chance to finally push through and get the Knight about 98% finished.  All that's really left is GS and a few more smaller details, and those deatials always take a bit.  Over all though I'm quite pleased with how this turned out for being an...