Eldar Phantom complete

Finished him!  I magnetized the right weapon so he can switch out for the big sword close combat weapon.  The phantom star cannon is magnetized too with the pulse laser.  Great model.

40K Modeling with a Purpose!

Many of you may know the story of Prometheus, the Greek Titan who stole fire from the gods and gifted it to Man.  What you may not know is that Prometheus (foresight) and his brother Epimetheus (hindsight) were charged with the creation of all life on earth. Ever...

I have a cunning plan….part 2

I sat down to work after a few days of rest, after all, I am on leave.  Then, it was time to work.  Which actually means the Wife ™  said I could vanish downstairs for a few hours.Don’t judge me. Here we have the base coated miniatures.  I use old wine and...

From the Ashes of Defeat a Phoenix Rises? Hmmm…

If you read my write up on the Hammer of Wrath GT you'll know I am putting a major overhaul on my list. A few ideas have been kicking around on my Army Builder. One includes a Captain on bike and bike squad so I decided to finally finish off the Captain I'd started a...