An Arsenal of Doom

Orks love the dakka. The more the better. In our continuing exploration of the Ork Great Gargant in conjunction with In The Grim Cheapness of the Future (where you can see the beast taking shape) we shall cast our eye upon the very essence of the Ork reverence of...

Size Matters

Thanks for joining us for part II of Gargant History Month. A collaboration with Pete's blog,  In the Grim Cheapness of the Future, wherein he is building a 40K sized Great Gargant. How big would a Great gargant be in 40K? Let's have a look at the current...

Daphne’s Dragoons

A while ago I finished up a trio of Valkyries, now I have some proper troops to put in them. I have always liked collecting forces in thematic detachments. The fluff for the stormtroopers (or whatever the High Gothic name is for them) was further improved with their...

In defense of old minis.

Of late, I've found myself growing a little sentimental. Hush, Bushcraft. Old minis.  More after the jump. I was doing some digging around online as I always do.  I troll eBay constantly, looking for old models I always wanted as a kid, but could not afford.  Lo and...

Rebel Grot Commissar Paint in Progress

Hello all, I have made a fair amount of progress painting the Rebel Grot Commissar that I finished converting last week.  I still have quite a bit of painting to do but I am far enough along that you can get a good sense of what the finished model will look like.   So...