Painting Kit Bashed Legion of the Damned! Flames are Fun ;)

I've been wanting to add Legion of the Damned (LotD) to my Salamanders list for a while now. I bought a box of Tactical Marines and a box of Chaos Marines specifically for this purpose. I don't want to shell out a small fortune for the GW models plus getting all the...

Rebel Grot Commissar WIP: More Sculpting

Hello all, For the last couple of weeks I have been working on my Rebel Grot Commissar.  I plan to use him primarily for a standard Commissar but I wanted him to look good enough to use as a Lord Commissar or even Yarrick once in a while.  I’ve made some good...

Rebel Grot Commissar WIP: Sculpting Started

Hello all, Last week I showed the start of my Rebel Grot Commissar.  I liked Khorne Inquisitor’s suggestion that he be standing on a dead grot, the most recent victim of his motivational techniques.  I used some Night Goblin bits and added a tattered hood where...

Lost and Damned: An introduction into time management

An arcane fastness floats silently across the land slowly, but purposefully it approaches its destination. Inside the main tower there's movement and the sense of frenetic activity. Scrolls are rolled and unrolled, glassware is moved around, magical artifacts are...