Varathar, Dark Guardian – Basing 1

Earlier this week I got another fun package containing Varathar, Dark Guardian from Andrea Miniatures. Lovely model and quite a lot bigger then I anticipated. Today I started playing around with the base for it and remembered that I got some old picture frames from my...
Lord of Skulls

Lord of Skulls

Yes, the model is a bit over the top Chaos silly. But I still love it anyways. It was a semi-complicated build and a long, slow time painting. So much brass trim. This was one of those kits that had to be built and painted in sections, put together and then painted...
Venerable Dreadnought

Venerable Dreadnought

Here is a slick conversion from our BA/GK player. We all think that the Games Workshop Dreadknight model is atrocious. He went further and actually corrected it with some modeling. Here are some pictures :Enjoy !
XP 66 – Why I moved to a standing desk for my hobby activity.

XP 66 – Why I moved to a standing desk for my hobby activity.

Today Andrew talks about his change to a standing desk for his hobby activities. He lists the reasons why and gives some basic insight into its construction. For a great blog post talking about construction, see the link provided from Joe Rogers of Pointhammered and...