Tyranid Hive Crone

Tyranid Hive Crone

Almost done with my Tyranid re-redo. I wanted to spice up my Hive Crone a little bit, so I took a spare Tyrannofex head and voila! It fit like it was made for it. I think it gives the Hive Crone an aggressive "I like to ram things" look.The Tentaclid living missiles...
Old One Eye and the Crushers

Old One Eye and the Crushers

My slightly mad Carnifex upgrade project has seen completion. Soon six Carnifexes led by the new & improved Old One Eye shall crush all before them! Or get shot to ribbons as they lumber across the field.The Haruspex's plus-sized crushing claws look great on the...
Lobster Claws for Carnifexes

Lobster Claws for Carnifexes

Top: Haruspex, Middle:Tervigon, Bottom: CarnifexI'm slowly catching up on my third re-do of my Tyranid army. I've gotten to the Carnifex portion. I have decided to add two more of the big lugs to my force, mostly because I want to see people's faces when I put down...

Jetbike LoLtarch Conversion (WIP)

This is a project I started a long time ago and just never got around to finishing. What held me up was annoyance at having to redo how he attaches to the bike. His left foot binds to a magnet in the hood, but instead of a magnet I had originally put a pair of...

So Beautiful, So Dangerous…

A month without posting. Time has gotten away from me, but I’ve been busy in the meantime. If the picture isn’t obvious (or isn’t visible, depending on how you’re reading this), I picked up one of the new Imperial Knight kits, and I now have it...